Video ads

Here is an example of a video ad:

  • only start and continue to play if in-view (on screen)
  • if user clicks to another tab or window, the video stops
  • charged on a Viewable Cost Per Mille (vCPM) basis – cost per 1,000 viewable impressions
  • a paid video impression is only counted if the ad has been 50% in-view for 2 seconds.
  • launch a campaign through our self-serve platform, MyDianomi, or your Account Manager


Useful information about video ads

Recommended vCPM

Setting up a successful first campaign

Using macros to pass information about each user (for example the publisher name)

Using publisher bidding to up or down-weight your vCPM by publisher

Using device bidding to up or down-weight your vCPM by device

Innovid – Dianomi are certified by Innovid for both mobile and desktop

For Apple News video – see Apple News Video

Understanding Video Analytics

Creative spec for a video ad

Company / brand name

This is usually fixed for each account and can be changed through your Account Manager.

30 characters including spaces.

Ad text

70 characters including spaces

No exclamation marks! No words IN ALL CAPS (besides acronyms)

Example: Markets Outlook: how will government stimulus impact the markets?

Call to action

20 characters including spaces

Company logo

JPG or PNG with a max width of 500px and all excess white space trimmed

Video file

MP4 file up to 30 seconds long, 16:9 aspect ratio (we suggest 480p) and with a max file size of 2MB or contained in VAST tag (including VAST 2.0, 3.0 & 4.0 versions, does not include VPAID)

Secure destination URL with optional 3rd party tracking



The parameters in blue above are from our click macros and will be converted to publisher name, ad variant id number and device type for each click/user.

Impression tracker

This is for advanced users only using platforms such as Google Campaign Manager, Integral Ad Science or DoubleVerify.



Downloadable creative spec

A downloadable creative spec document is available


Other ad types

NativeNative VerifiedPodcastApple News VideoCanvasContent HubDisplay


Approval of all campaigns and types of ads that Dianomi will not approve