Native ads

Here is an example of a Native ad:

  • styled to fit the host website
  • consist of an image, ad text and brand name
  • do not have a fixed size – ad format can vary by device, publisher and placement
  • charged on a Cost Per Click (CPC) basis
  • launch a campaign through our self-serve platform, MyDianomi, or your Account Manager


Useful information about native ads

Recommended CPC

Setting up a successful first campaign

Using macros to pass information about each user (for example the publisher name)

Using publisher bidding to up or down-weight your CPC by publisher

Using device bidding to up or down-weight your CPC by device


Creative spec for a native ad

Company / brand name

This is usually fixed for each account and can be changed through your Account Manager

30 characters including spaces

Ad text

70 characters including spaces

No exclamation marks! No words IN ALL CAPS (besides acronyms)

Example: Markets Outlook: how will government stimulus impact the markets?


JPG or PNG in the following size:

400w x 320h px, landscape. Larger images can be uploaded through MyDianomi, resized automatically or cropped by you

No text/logo on image – there is no “safe area” as images may be scaled to different sizes or cropped in various shapes

Secure destination URL with optional 3rd party tracking



The parameters in blue above are from our click macros and will be converted to publisher name, ad variant id number and device type for each click/user.

Impression tracker

This is for advanced users only using platforms such as Google Campaign Manager, Integral Ad Science or DoubleVerify.



Downloadable creative spec

A downloadable creative spec document is available


Other ad types

Native VerifiedVideoApple News Video – PodcastCanvasContent HubDisplay


Approval of all campaigns and types of ads that Dianomi will not approve