Dianomi’s platform optimises according to the Score of each ad.

To optimise towards conversions:

Place our conversion pixel on your confirmation page or, better still, use Server 2 Server conversion tracking

Place our conversion pixel on your confirmation page so we can measure conversions by ad variant, campaign, device or publisher. Better still, use Server 2 Server conversion tracking as it is not reliant on cookies.

Use our macros in your campaign codes / tracking URLs

Use our macros so we can send you the publisher name or other useful information with every click. Then, for example, you can see conversions, session duration or bounce rate by publisher in your own analytics.


Click URL macros – pass data directly into analytics

Conversion pixel – how to find and deploy

Device Bidding

How many campaigns can I run at one time?

Publisher Bidding

Server to Server (S2S) conversion tracking