IMPORTANT – Cookie restrictions – conversion pixel will under report conversions

The conversion pixel may only work for a limited time or not at all on browsers that limit the use of cookies. These include all Safari, Firefox, a % of Chrome users and ALL browsers on Apple iOS devices. This issue is expected to grow (for our entire industry) as Apple and others impose further restrictions. It is better to use Server 2 Server tracking.

More information about Google Analytics and Apple anti-tracking.


Conversion Pixel


Finding and installing the pixel

The conversion pixel for your account can be found in MyDianomi > Account > Conversion Pixel and looks like this:

<img src=”” width=”1″ height=”1″ />

XXXX is a four digit number that is unique to your account – shown as a red rectangle in the screenshot above.

The pixel needs to be placed in the <body> of your confirmation / thank you page so that it is only displayed when the conversion action (eg signing up for a newsletter) has been completed.

DO NOT place the pixel on the landing page or you will see a 100% conversion rate.

Does the pixel need to be on a dedicated landing page for Dianomi?

We do not need dedicated landing pages – our platform will only use the pixel to measure users that have been sent directly from Dianomi. We are often on the same page as pixels from other platforms.

Can I call the pixel after a user action, like clicking a button?

Yes but you must ensure that the pixel is actually displayed or a conversion will not be recorded.

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

If you are using Google Tag Manager (GTM) then place the full <img> tag in a ‘Custom HTML’ field OR use the URL only ( ) as a ‘Custom image tag’ and have the GTM cachebuster enabled.

GTM help page.


If your conversion is users registering for an event and you are using Eventbrite you can place our pixel on the Eventbrite confirmation page. Choose the “Simple image pixel” option and just use the URL in our code in bold below.

Eventbrite help page.

<img src=”” width=”1″ height=”1″ />

Testing your pixel

Now test the conversion pixel. If you have any issues or need confirmation then please contact your Account Manager.


Server to Server (S2S) conversion tracking

Testing the conversion pixel