Content Hub

Here are examples of a Content Hub:

  • combines a video or podcast ad with native ads for maximum engagement
  • charged on a Viewable Cost Per Mille (vCPM) basis – cost per 1,000 viewable impressions
  • pay only the CPM rate, all clicks from accompanying native units are free
  • launch a campaign through your Account Manager


970×250 (Billboard)



300×600 (Half Page)



Native (no fixed size)


Useful information about Content Hubs

Recommended CPM

Setting up a successful first campaign

Using macros to pass information about each user (for example the publisher name)


Creative spec for a Content Hubs

Content Hubs contain video or podcast and native ads – at least one video or podcast must be included and at least two native ads must be included

See the creative spec for native, video or podcast


Other ad types

NativeNative VerifiedVideoApple News Video – PodcastCanvasDisplay


Approval of all campaigns and types of ads that Dianomi will not approve