Author Archives: dianomifaq

Card Payment – (Credit/Debit Card) Card payments are processed based on your account’s campaign spending at regular intervals. Billing admins can see the ‘Billing Terms Amount’ limit, which triggers the payment intervals, in the My.dianomi Billing section. For example, if your campaign spend reaches $101 and the ‘Billing Terms Amount’ is $100, a charge will […]

When running Display ads (only) in MyDianomi and using Google Campaign Manager (formerly DCM) code, click attributes will need to be added so that MyDianomi can count the number of clicks your campaign has received and for these to show in your analytics. If you add the code without the relevant click attributes:     […]

Yes! You can access our analytics API documentation: Advertisers Publishers If you prefer you can download reports from Analytics or we can schedule automated reports. For further details, please contact your account manager.