Author Archives: Paul Hughes

Account managers can blacklist or whitelist publishers for you. It is recommended that you discuss which publishers you would like included in your campaign with your Account Manager, as they may be able to recommend additions or exclusions based on your content and our knowledge of the audience. Your campaign must run across a minimum […]

In self-serve go to ‘Analytics‘. Choose ‘Action by Device Type‘ you will see the performance metrics broken down by device in a table. For all campaigns (unless you choose a specific product from the drop down list) you will see the Computer Actions, Computer Clicks, Computer Action Rate, Tablet Actions, Tablet Clicks, Tablet Actions Rate, Mobile […]

Discrepancies between dianomi reporting and Google Analytics reports are normal because of differences in reporting methodologies. That said, both should follow similar trends. The following campaign example indicates some discrepancy between Google Analytics and dianomi reporting, but the overall trend is similar. Let’s explore some of the reasons for those discrepancies: Google Analytics site implementation […]

In Self-serve choose ‘Analytics’ Choose ‘Actions by Ad Variant‘ on the left-hand side menu, you will see the performance metrics broken down by Ad Variant in a table. For each Ad Variant you will see the Campaign ID, Variant ID, Campaign Name, Image and Text for the Ad, Current Status of the campaign, Impressions (views) […]

In Self-serve choose ‘Analytics’ 2. On the Dashboard you will be shown a graph of the number of clicks of all campaigns in the current month. You are shown the number of Actions and Clicks over the month. Towards the top of the page on the left is a Date Range option, from this you […]

When setting up a new campaign, there are a number of targeting options including geographic, device and keyword. If you would like to amend your targeting options after your campaign has been set live, please speak with your Account Manager. Another option would be to copy your campaign and apply the same creative with different […]

Within your dianomi Self-Serve account, click on the Manage tab and you will see a list of all campaigns under your account (except archived campaigns which are hidden). Within this section you can amend the status of the campaign, as well as a snapshot of the below:   Launch date Campaign name CPC Targeting Caps […]

Within your dianomi account, go to the ‘Manage’ section and you will see saved, live and deactivated campaigns. For each of these, you will be able to see a list of options including: View creative Preview your ad variants as they will appear on the publisher network Edit campaign Adjust your CPC, amend your end […]