Author Archives: Paul Hughes

In self-serve choose Analytics  and then ‘Clicks by Publisher’ or ‘Actions by publisher’ if you are using our conversion pixel. You will see a chart and table showing the number of clicks per publisher. You can ask your account manager to exclude publishers you do not want to appear on. By default this shows traffic […]

Within the Manage tab of self-serve, you can change details of your live campaigns. If you select the ‘Edit Campaign’ button, then you can amend the end date, total budget, add/remove a cap, or adjust your CPC. Any time you make an adjustment to your campaign you will need to “Save & submit for approval” […]

CPC rates Make sure you are placing competitive bids for the type of content you are pushing. Check our recommended CPCs. CTR is low We recommend testing two or three variants of each ad – either different text or different images. By using several variations, you can test which text or image attracts a higher […]

In My Dianomi each ad variant has a ‘Score’. This is a function of Click Through Rate (CTR) and Cost Per Click (CPC). Ad variants with higher Scores will be shown more frequently. Click Through Rate (CTR) is calculated from the number of clicks and total impressions. As a general rule of thumb, the more […]

In Self-serve choose ‘Manage‘. From you here you can view and edit your campaigns, update their status, copy or archive them.   For each of your campaigns you will be able to see the Status of the campaign (be it Saved, Live, or Inactive), the launch date, the Campaign Name, the CPC, the Targeting of […]

Dianomi only works with premium publishers who have high expectations of us.  Manual approval All ad campaigns submitted to Dianomi are subject to manual approval by us. This process begins once you have confirmed “Save and send for approval”. Normally, if your campaign is submitted for approval within UK, US or Australian working hours, your […]

Two of the most important aspects of your campaign are the CPC (Cost Per Click) and Budget. If you aren’t familiar, a CPC is the amount each click to your content will cost. Your budget is the amount of money you’re willing to spend each day, week, month or ongoing (total). When creating a campaign, […]

This is dependent on your Campaign KPI’s, however we recommend running a campaign for at least two weeks. This allows enough time to reach a large portion of our audience network and to optimise the campaign. Pace the campaign evenly over the month or campaign duration, you can set pacing in MyDianomi when setting up […]

From within your self-serve account you can setup a new campaign by selecting ‘New Ad’ from the menu on the left hand side. Start creating your ad within the Campaign Details section, by entering a Campaign Name. The Campaign Name is limited to 100 characters, and is not shown to users who view the ads. The […]

For any questions please refer to our Help section on the dianomi platform. If you don’t find an answer to your question here, please contact your dedicated Account Manager who will be able to assist with any enquiries.