Dianomi video units follow industry standards but reporting may be slightly different to other platforms.

Video Performance

The following information is shown in “Video Performance” in Analytics

Page Impressions

The number of pages that loaded where the Dianomi video unit was present (but the Video unit did not necessarily start).

Video Start Impressions

The number of impressions where our Video unit started to play.

V 2Sec

The number of impressions where our Video unit played a video for more than 2 seconds – this is a chargeable impression.

Q1 – number of users who watched to the end of the first quarter of the Video

Q2 – number of users who watched to the end of the second quarter of the Video

Q3 – number of users who watched to the end of the third quarter of the Video

Ended – number of users who watched the complete Video

Hosted clicks

Number of clicks from the Video unit – these clicks have gone through our quality checking before being recorded.

Average playtime

Average time users whose impression was charged spent watching the Video in seconds.


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